Subject: Linux Sybase can't create database under NetBSD 1.3I ix86
To: NetBSD i386 Mailing List <>
From: Alicia da Conceicao <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/28/1999 19:59:24
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Yet another problem with a Linux product under NetBSD. Too bad we can't
get decent NetBSD commerical apps. :-(
This time, I tried the Linux port of Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise,
version, under NetBSD, in the hopes that I can replace some of
our overpriced Solaris Sparc stations, running both Sybase and Oracle
applications, with cheap NetBSD ix86 machines.
The Linux Sybase was contained within a AuSE Linux CDROM, and was in
the horrible RPM format. I run "rpm2cpio" on it, and converted it to
a cpio archive, which I expanded from the root directory, expanding all
of its contents into "/opt/sybase", with the exception of a few
documentation files that were installed else where. After that, I
ran the "" script, and to be on the safe side, I did a
"chown -R sybase.sybase /opt/sybase" to insure that the server has all
the necessary permissions. After that I ran the "install/sybinit"
program, and configured a new server, as discribed in the
"howto-ase-quickstart.html" documentation file. The configuration
went through perfectly, but after I attempted to:
"Execute the SQL Server Configuration now"
I get many errors which I've attached to the end of this e-mail. Has
anyone else managed to get Sybase to run under NetBSD ix86? Any
comments or advice is greatly appreciated. BYW, I will be attempted to
run Linux Oracle today. Wish me luck, it looks like I might need it.
Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Alicia.
PS. Below is an except from the sybase logs:
28/01/0099 01:57:54 AM No service detected in the interfaces file for entry
discarding this entry.
28/01/0099 02:05:16 AM WARNING: '/opt/sybase/master.dat' is a regular file which
is not
recommended for a Server device.
28/01/0099 02:09:12 AM WARNING: '/opt/sybase/master.dat' is a regular file which
is not
recommended for a Server device.
28/01/0099 02:09:12 AM Running task: create the master device.
28/01/0099 02:09:40 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Unexpected EOF
from SQL
28/01/0099 02:09:42 AM INTERNAL ERROR: Could not locate message number '514' for
'SQL Server' in message cache.
28/01/0099 02:09:44 AM Check the log (/opt/sybase/init/logs/log0128.001) for
information. Please make a note of this error and
contact your
Sybase representative.
28/01/0099 02:09:45 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:09:46 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:09:47 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: Login attempt failed: server =
28/01/0099 02:09:48 AM SERVER ERROR: Failed to log in to server 'TEST' to shut
it down.
28/01/0099 02:09:48 AM Calling the shell with '/opt/sybase/bin/buildmaster
-d/opt/sybase/master.dat -s10752 >
/opt/sybase/init/logs/tmp 2>&1 '.
28/01/0099 02:09:48 AM Building the master device
28/01/0099 02:09:52 AM Done
28/01/0099 02:09:52 AM Begin output from 'buildmaster':
Master device: /opt/sybase/master.dat
writing configuration area
writing the MASTER database
writing the MODEL database
writing allocation pages for remaining 16 MB, (8192 pages)
2 MB ^M4 MB ^M6 MB ^M8 MB ^M10 MB ^M12 MB ^M14 MB
^M16 MB
Buildmaster complete
28/01/0099 02:09:52 AM End output from 'buildmaster'.
28/01/0099 02:09:52 AM Task succeeded: create the master device.
28/01/0099 02:09:52 AM Running task: update the SQL Server runserver file.
28/01/0099 02:09:54 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:09:55 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:09:56 AM INTERNAL ERROR: Could not locate message number '514' for
'SQL Server' in message cache.
28/01/0099 02:09:57 AM Check the log (/opt/sybase/init/logs/log0128.001) for
information. Please make a note of this error and
contact your
Sybase representative.
28/01/0099 02:09:58 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:09:58 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:09:59 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: Login attempt failed: server =
28/01/0099 02:09:59 AM SERVER ERROR: Failed to log in to server 'TEST' to shut
it down.
28/01/0099 02:09:59 AM Task succeeded: update the SQL Server runserver file.
28/01/0099 02:10:00 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:10:00 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:10:00 AM INTERNAL ERROR: Could not locate message number '514' for
'SQL Server' in message cache.
28/01/0099 02:10:01 AM Check the log (/opt/sybase/init/logs/log0128.001) for
information. Please make a note of this error and
contact your
Sybase representative.
28/01/0099 02:10:01 AM Running task: boot the SQL Server.
28/01/0099 02:10:01 AM Calling the shell with '/opt/sybase/install/RUN_TEST >
/opt/sybase/init/logs/tmp 2>&1 '.
28/01/0099 02:10:03 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:10:03 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:10:04 AM INTERNAL ERROR: Could not locate message number '514' for
'SQL Server' in message cache.
28/01/0099 02:10:04 AM Check the log (/opt/sybase/init/logs/log0128.001) for
information. Please make a note of this error and
contact your
Sybase representative.
28/01/0099 02:10:04 AM waiting for server 'TEST' to boot...
28/01/0099 02:10:09 AM SERVER ERROR: Failed to boot server 'TEST'.
28/01/0099 02:10:12 AM Task failed: boot the SQL Server. Terminating
28/01/0099 02:10:13 AM Configuration failed.
28/01/0099 02:10:40 AM WARNING: '/opt/sybase/master.dat' is a regular file which
is not
recommended for a Server device.
28/01/0099 02:10:44 AM '/opt/sybase/master.dat' is a regular file that already
It will be overwritten.
28/01/0099 02:10:44 AM Running task: create the master device.
28/01/0099 02:10:47 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:10:47 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:10:48 AM INTERNAL ERROR: Could not locate message number '514' for
'SQL Server' in message cache.
28/01/0099 02:10:48 AM Check the log (/opt/sybase/init/logs/log0128.001) for
information. Please make a note of this error and
contact your
Sybase representative.
28/01/0099 02:10:48 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: DB-Library error: 'Read from SQL
28/01/0099 02:10:48 AM DB-Library operating system error: 'Connection reset by
28/01/0099 02:10:49 AM CONNECTIVITY ERROR: Login attempt failed: server =
28/01/0099 02:10:49 AM SERVER ERROR: Failed to log in to server 'TEST' to shut
it down.
28/01/0099 02:10:49 AM Calling the shell with '/opt/sybase/bin/buildmaster
-d/opt/sybase/master.dat -s10752 >
/opt/sybase/init/logs/tmp 2>&1 '.
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tel;fax: 416-860-9380
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