Subject: Re: pci mode in config file?
To: None <>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/27/1999 21:31:28
Geoff Wing wrote:
> Rene Hexel <> typed:
> :Patrick Welche wrote:
> :>         options PCI_CONF_MODE 1
> :  Well, the option syntax would be
> :  options PCI_CONF_MODE=1
> :  (given that it exists, which I haven't checked)
> Excerpt from  /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/pci/pci_machdep.c :
>  * On PCs, there are two methods of generating PCI configuration cycles.
>  * We try to detect the appropriate mechanism for this machine and set
>  * up a few function pointers to access the correct method directly.
>  *
>  * The configuration method can be hard-coded in the config file by
>  * using `options PCI_CONF_MODE=N', where `N' is the configuration mode
>  * as defined section, `Generating Configuration Cycles'.

Yes indeed, that should have been with a '='. I still have
  pci0 at mainbus0 bus0 : configuration mode 2
despite choosing N=1, but of course I don't know that mode 2 is wrong - it's
just that the OmniBook hangs after
  scsibus0 at aic0
so I never get to read what's wrong.

