Subject: Re: AX.25 Amateur Packet Radio Protocol:wq!
To: None <,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/27/1999 03:49:39
On Jan 24, 12:38pm, Bernd Sieker wrote:
} On 24.01.99, 12:05:07, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
} >
} > does NetBSD support the ax.25 protocol and if not, will it in future?
} > I like to run Amateur Packet-Radio software on my system but found it lacking
} > the support.
I don't believe it does, but I have a long term project on the
back burner that will require it.
} Depends on what you want to do. I am a radio amateur, but I only use a
} TNC to connect to a digipeater (using AX.25/DAMA) with the 'TNT'
Could you expand on each of these (TNC, digipeater, AX.25/DAMA,
TNT) please? Keep in mind that I'm not a licenced HAM, although I do
have some knowledge of it. The project mentioned above would be run
under the auspices of somebody with an Advanced Ameteur Radio Operator
} software) once in a while to chat, and I do not use TCP/IP via radio
} links.
I will need to be able to do TCP/IP.
}-- End of excerpt from Bernd Sieker