Subject: Re: PCI card modem
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/12/1999 11:17:55 (Tim Rightnour) writes:
> I thought this too for about 5 days.  These 5 days were spend utilizing the
> return policy at COMP USA, and attempting to get a modem that worked.  I tried
> 5 PCI 56k modems.  Each one bombed out, because lo and behold.. they were all
> "winmodems".

Ditto.  I'm looking for a way to turn NETBSD into a telephone
answering machine.  ("Look Mom! Its an appliance!")

Intel's website seemed to indicate one could buy PCI modems that had
audio out connections identical to the audio link between a CD player
and a sound card. I figured 16-bit audio recorded by the sound card
and routed from a modem's phone-line amplifiers would almost certainly
be higher quality than the hissy, garbled audio I currently get from
my external "voice" modem.  Not only couldn't I find any PCI modem
that had an audio in/out connector, but I couldn't find any that
wasn't a winmodem.  Later I found an http chart listing ~50 of the
current modems, including external, ISA, PCI.  Of the 10 or so PCI
listed, all were winmodems.

I really wish one of these winmodem folks would break rank and release
programming info for their modem.  Surely one of them must be
interested in gaining a foothold in the Unix/Linux market.

       Wolfgang Rupprecht <>