Subject: Re: IRQ sharing question
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: Tom Javen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/12/1999 21:49:26
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Christoph Badura wrote:
> (Tom Javen) writes:
> >But e.g. a multi port serial card could have 8 16550s connected to the
> >same IRQ, so preventing shared irqs would not be a good idea.
> But all the multi port serial cards with "interrupt sharing" I have seen
> do *not* share ISA bus IRQs. They all have glue logic that feeds
> the individual UARTs IRQ lines to a single ISA IRQ.
The one I looked at few years ago had two modes , shared irq and separate
irq. I believe the shared irq is just a logical-or of the separate irqs.
> Also, the 8250A and up UARTs can't produce real edge triggered interrupts.
> They generate level triggered interrupts and the PC interrupt controller
> triggers on the front edge of the IRQ signal being asserted.
Does it matter ? The interrupt handler has to check all devices which may
interrupt anyway.
Is there a race condition which is avoided using a edge triggered
interrupt ?
Tom Javen | Innotrac Diagnostics Oy
email | Finland
gsm +358-40-5860532 | phone +358-2-2410025
| fax +358-2-2410024