Subject: Re: 100 MBit PCMCIA ethernet card
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/06/1999 00:20:00
Jason Thorpe writes:
> On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 09:21:28 GMT
> (Christos Zoulas) wrote:
> > This is not the answer to the question. 3c905B is PCI no PCMCIA.
> > The answer is probably not; most PCMCIA 100Mbit adapters that I've
> > encountered so far are cardbus, and we don't support cardbus (yet).
> There are at least 2 100mbps PCMCIA Ethernet cards. One is the 3c574,
> which I took a stab at supporting, but it's not complete yet (i.e. doesn't
> seem to work, and I don't have hardware with which to work on it further).
> The other is one of the newer Xircom CreditCard models. These are not yet
> supported at all.
> Apparently, there are also some NE2000 clone PCMCIA cards which will also do
> 100mbps. It shouls be fairly easy to support these.
Also, there is the SMC 8032DT Etherpower 10/100 Cardbus adapter. It
is basically a DEC 21143 on cardbus. Windows 98 thinks it is a PCI
ethernet adapter. How hard is it to attach a cardbus as a PCI bus?
Considering how well the 2114x chips are supported, shouldn't this be
a relatively easy card to support? (yes I have one..)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.