Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD 1.3.2
To: Joel Reicher <>
From: B. Bogart <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/09/1998 05:06:53
On 08-Dec-98, Joel Reicher wrote:
> > I am using OSBS20B8.EXE and i have tried reinstalling it, but it only
> > four entries still, must mean that its just not seeing the second HD? if
> > how can i get around this?
> Ok, maybe this is not due to error on your part but some weirdness with
> your disks. What does DOS's fdisk show you? Can you see all disks and all
> partitions on each disk?
> - Joel
fdisk shows all the partitions on the large 8GB drive, but only shows one
partition on the second drive. I have installed netbsd to use this entire
disk, sp perhaps it does not create partitions that fdisk understands. So as
near as i can tell there is nothing strange about my disks.