Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD 1.3.2
To: None <>
From: Joel Reicher <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/09/1998 12:31:52
If you have two disks you should have 8 entries listed by os-bs, so my
guess is you're using the wrong version of os-bs. Firstly the file you
should be extracting is
and then from that you need to use
Anything else is the previous version of os-bs which does not support
booting from other drives.
- Joel
> Hello,
> I have windows 95, not NT. I have looked through the docs on
> the netbsd wed site but they are not helping me. I have OSBS
> installed and it is "working" but my netbsd button does not do
> anything, the screen just goes black with a flashing cursor. So
> either netbsd is crashed before the kernel gets loaded into mem,
> or osbs is not booting the right partition. In my list of partitions
> in osbs there are 4 entiries:
> # HD ID System
> 0 0 06 DOS FAT16 'big' (> 32MB) fs or nfs
> 1 0 0F unknown
> 2 0 00 unused
> 3 0 00 unused
> When i use #1 as the netbsd partition is when the system freezes.
> I have over 10 partitions over 2 harddrives, I don't see how this
> partition list coresponds to my system, if #1 is not the netbsd
> partition then why is it not there?
> Thanks for your time.
> Ben