Subject: Re: T3/T1 cards - interest
To: Dennis <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/27/1998 11:49:01
[ On Tue, October 27, 1998 at 11:00:11 (-0500), Dennis wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: T3/T1 cards - interest 
> No, you are not wrong, but you are not doing much to expand your user base, 
> because customers that need our products will simply switch to FreeBSD.

"OOooooh!  Scarrrry!"

To paraphrase your own words back:

No, but you are demonstrating your lack of understanding, as are most of
the other people in your vendor camp.  Any OS that tries to make
everyone use it regardless of their requirements doesn't have a
marketing plan worth implementing.  If you can do without a complete;
extremely portable; highly interoperable; well designed, stable, and
fast; freely available and redistributable; highly standards compliant;
UNIX-like operating system then you aren't a candidate to use our
product.  We move on to the next platform.  I guess you'll have to learn
how to make your PCI cards usable on non-Intel platforms by maintaining
individual ports to platform specific operating systems.
> Most of our customer base are BSD/OS and NetBSD convertees. 

That's odd.  One of the products I know that incorporates support for
your products is based on BSD/OS and you seem to continue to advertise
BSD/OS compatability on your web page....  Why yould you support BSD/OS
and then try to convince BSD/OS users to use FreeBSD?

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <>      <robohack!woods>
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets of the Weird <>