Subject: Re: T3/T1 cards - interest
To: Dennis <>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/26/1998 20:55:55
> But again, it is _not_ true for all. For instance, there are users of
> NetBSD who, say, use AFS with NetBSD. Many of them do _not_ have
> source for it (if they did, we wouldn't hear them asking for new
> versions to be compiled for -current 8-).
Hm. Of course, we get AFS updates quite frequently.
> My core thought: don't let a vocal set of what i'll call "open source
> bigots" dissuade you from trying to sell your closed-source product.
> Sure, some users may choose based on open- vs non-open- source
> policies, but for others, as long as they end up with a working card
> (with the price or other attributes that they care about), open-source
> policy doesn't make a difference.
I absolutely agree with this. Just because I can't use the card
without source doesn't mean some other NetBSD user can't. Please
don't assume I'm speaking for all NetBSD users here. I'm just telling
you where I'm coming from, and asking you to please not to dismiss
that place as irrelevant. It may be irrelevant to you from a
marketing perspective, but it's definitely not irrelevant to me.