Subject: Linux emulation broken in 1.3.2 ???
To: None <>
From: Thomas Pfaff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/15/1998 13:19:35
Hi all,
who has got Linux Netscape Navigator/Communicator running on NetBSD
1.3.2. I tried several versions from Navigator 3.01, 3.04 to
Communicator 4.02, all died with a SIGBUS signal.
Here is the ktrace output from Navigator 3.04:
313 netscape CALL write(0x6,0x845e5c0,0x1c)
313 netscape RET write 28/0x1c
313 netscape CALL read(0x6,0xefbfbe38,0x20)
313 netscape RET read 32/0x20
313 netscape CALL read(0x6,0xefbfbe58,0x1c)
313 netscape RET read 28/0x1c
313 netscape CALL read(0x6,0x84a21e8,0xa8)
313 netscape RET read 168/0xa8
313 netscape CALL read(0x6,0x84a2298,0xc00)
313 netscape RET read 3072/0xc00
313 netscape PSIG SIGSEGV caught handler=0x8292f58 mask=0x0 code=0x6
313 netscape CALL getpid
313 netscape RET getpid 313/0x139
313 netscape CALL kill(0x139,0x7)
313 netscape PSIG SIGBUS SIG_DFL
My kernel configuration looks like this :
options COMPAT_NOMID # compatibility with 386BSD, BSDI,
NetBSD 0.8,
options COMPAT_09 # NetBSD 0.9,
options COMPAT_10 # NetBSD 1.0,
options COMPAT_11 # NetBSD 1.1,
options COMPAT_12 # NetBSD 1.2,
options COMPAT_43 # and 4.3BSD
options EXEC_ELF32
The Linux libs are installed from the package, Linux DOOM is definitely
Any suggestions would be welcome (i know that i can use the BSDI port ).