Subject: Re: pcmcia on IBM ThinkPad 770
To: None <,,>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/12/1998 17:27:48
>>>>> "KS" == Kevin Sullivan <> writes:
KS> On 10-Oct-98 Martin Husemann wrote:
>> I have a problem with an IBM ThinkPad 770 and -current (a few days old):
>> it won't always probe the pcmcia cards. Most of the time it won't, only
>> about one out of five times it will.
KS> I have a Thinkpad 560 with a similar symptom. NetBSD won't probe the
KS> pcmcia cards iff I was just running Win98. If I power down after Win98,
KS> then NetBSD comes up fine.
I have similar experience with pcmcia on TI TravelMate 5000 and Windows
95: I have to reset power after win95 so that NetBSD's pcmcia code finds
==John Kohl <>, <>
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