Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD on a second hard disk
To: None <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/25/1998 09:41:34
At 03:03 25.09.98 +0100, Strawberry wrote:
>Is there any way to boot NetBSD from the second partition? I know it's
>possible to install it there, and once it's on there I can mount it
>using the install floppy so the whole of the second drive is accessible
>to NetBSD.
>What's the least painful way of booting NetBSD?
I have OSBS 2.0beta installed on the first disk (NT) and it has no trouble
at all booting from the second (NetBSD) disk.
Hauke Fath Melog Software GmbH
D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Melog.DE Ruf +49-6221-1333-0, Fax -33