Subject: Re: -current snapshot
To: Patrick Hartling <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/12/1998 15:36:15
Patrick Hartling writes:
> I'm in need of a recent NetBSD-current snapshot so I can get back on track
> with it. My old installation is basically toasted, so I need to start from
> scratch. Looking through the list archives for this list and current-users,
> the most recent note about a snapshot I can find points me at one from July
> 26. Is there one newer than that, or will I be able to get up to speed again
> fairly easily with sources from then? Thanks.
You can probably start with the snapshot I put up on in
the usual place (pub/NetBSD/arch/i386/) and move forward from there by
loading new sources into /usr/src, building a new config, building a
new kernel with it, starting the new kernel and doing make build in