Subject: Re: partition sizes?
To: None <>
From: Brook Milligan <brook@trillium.NMSU.Edu>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/21/1998 10:44:16
> (Cause nobody needs a 18 GB HDD seperated into 4 partitions. I'd need
> for example 5 GB for /usr, 1 GB for /var, 500 MB for /home 1 GB for /opt
> and others; one for Windows (games), and some for other OS's for testing
> purposes)
This is something special to Linux and doesn't apply to *BSD (afaik none of
'em). Linux uses MBR partitions only to split the disk in parts. *BSD uses
the BSD disklabel exclusively for that and only uses one entry in the MBR
to find that BSD disklabel.
But BSD does have a limit of 8 partitions (with some reserved) in the
disklabel, doesn't it? That amounts to a similar limitation if
someone needs to break apart big drives into many partitions.