Subject: Re: partition sizes?
To: Alex <xela@MIT.EDU>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/19/1998 13:29:37
BTW, if people really want this sort of thing done, they should start
submitting patches to sysinst. NetBSD is a user supported OS after
Alex writes:
> : > ... or sysinst could have included /home in the standard partition layout
> :
> : That's putting _far_ too much policy into sysinst than I would like to
> : see.
> Leaving the user in control is the right thing. OTOH, inexperienced
> system administrators may not be cognizant of the issues. How about
> adding a routine to sysinst such that if the user creates a / of
> roughlly the default suggested size or less, and a /usr of whatever
> ix left after / and swap*, sysinst asks the user:
> Warning / may be too small a partition to usefully hold user
> home directories. Would you like to make /home a symbolic link
> to /usr/home (y/n)?
> (That is, if and only if both conditions hold: the assumption being
> that if she's changed the default for the second partition and not
> called it /usr, she has a clue)
> ---Alex
> -----------
> Carl Alexander
> ------------- MIT (where Alex hangs out):
> Course VI (sometime special student) SIPB (prospective)
> Mitgaard ("honorary mold") MITSFS LSC (night worker)
> ------------- Work (where they call me "Carl"):
> System Administrator & User Services Manager, TERC