Subject: Re: Boca PnP modem setup
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/28/1998 10:48:31
In article <> fzhang@NMSU.Edu (Fujie Zhang) writes:
>following advice from Mr. Bouyer and Mr. Drochner, i changed function
>com_isapnp_match() in /sys/dev/isapnp/com_isapnp.c. i did not see
>dev/isapnp/isapnpdevs. i guess my kernel source (7-19-98) is not quite
>up to date. i recompiled the kernel. the boot process stopped upon
>detecting COM2. the message says:
>com2 at isapnp port 0x201/1: ns 8250 or ns 16450, ns fifo
>panic: intr_establish: bogus irq or type
>stopped at debugger +0x4: leave

This looks like a joystick device ot me not a serial port. Can you
compile a kernel with ISAPNP_DEBUG, remove your changes and send us the
