Subject: serial console in 1.3.2?
To: Port-i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/03/1998 10:11:12

How do I enable serial port console in NetBSD 1.3.2 (i386)?  In the kernel
config file there's the line

options         "CONSDEVNAME=\"com\"",CONADDR=0x3f8,CONSPEED=9600

Do I need to disable the corresponding com* port in the config file?
Do I need other options?  options(4) mentions SERCONSOLE, but there
was no such option in the GENERIC file.

I also have to do this in NetBSD 1.2, but I _think_ I have the instructions
stored somewhere...


P.S. NetBSD runs fine on IBM ThinkPad 310E.  Some minor problems with APM,
     but I think those can be solved.  Thanks for the good work!