Subject: Re: ReadAudio player under Linux emulation problem
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Fred Schneider <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/17/1998 06:52:44
>* linux_lib-2.4 package installed
>* RealAudio player version 5.0 (free) says:
>	File compression not supported. Cannot locate the
>	requested RealAudio decoder.

	Me, too!  On (nearly) up-to-date Linux!  Seems the Linux
	version doesn't support the most up-to-date RealAudio files,
	or something such.  Tried "paying" fro teh updated version only
	to watch my browser display the waiting-clock for "days."  I
	am not even sure they sell a more recent version of it for Linux.


				Fred	//
 \ /    ___    \ /      "I will NOT run Micro$loth. I am not a crook!
  |    (. .)    |        Let them use Linux...or DEBIAN! A Workstation
  |    ( | )    |        on every desk, that's my motto."
   \    (|)    /
      - ||| -           de Fred L. Schneider, K0YUM, //