Subject: Emulated Linux-Binaries using /proc
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mario Kemper <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/24/1998 16:31:03
this isn't exactl port-related but as compat_linux seems to support i386 only
i think it might be the best fitting group.
While struggling with StarOffice Service Release 3 i found that the install
program (and most other binaries) use /proc/PID/cmdline to get their shell
I worked around this the hard way (my /emul/linux/proc is now quite crowded).
This is the first time i saw this behaviour in a linux binary.
My question now is (additional to if theres a better way to get around this
problem): Is there a reason for using /proc/PID/cmdline (and not unsing argv)
and will more linux-binaries use this?
I already hate those linux programs which make an extensive use of /proc thus
preventing porting but getting the command line from there is IMHO
Mario Kemper