Subject: PCMCIA ethernet?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/11/1998 20:26:32
[Please send replies directly to me--I'm not on this list yet. Thanks...]
I'm getting a used Toshiba notebook (T2110CS), and I would like to pick
up an ethernet adapter for it.
First, does anyone have any warnings for me with this laptop?
Second, what's a good and cheap PCMCIA card for 10/100 ethernet?
Netgear appears to have one coming out at the end of the month.
I've been pretty happy with the (DEC-based) PCI cards I've gotten
from them, but I don't know anything about this one. Intel has an
etherexpress pro for under $100. Does anyone know how similar
these cards might be to their PCI brethren? It appears that the
only PCMCIA cards that are currently supported are the 3Com, SMC,
and NE-compat.
I'd like to be able to put this machine on both 10baseT and 100baseT
I've got another machine that I can compile on, and I've got the time
to try and add support for a new card if it's a matter of the pcmcia
glue (I don't have time to write a completely new driver).
Any suggestions?
Allen Briggs - or