Subject: Re: /dev/audio not working?
To: Simon J. Gerraty <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/09/1998 13:54:11
On Sat, May 09, 1998 at 07:01:51PM +1000, Simon J. Gerraty wrote:
> When it comes to recording though, I need the Mic Vol at 100% and the
> Input Gain high (70-80%) before I can actually get enough signal that
> is audible on play back.
> And then the applitude of the recorded signal is only about 10% of the
> pre-recorded sound files I'm playing with.
I had the same problem with some cheap sound card under winlose95. I
examined the card and noticed that the mic preamplifier had a gain of 10
which was far too low for the mics I have. I replaced one resistor and
now the gain is around 100 which is much better..