Subject: Floppy boot locks up kbd (second try)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sami Laine <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/29/1998 15:26:22
Sami Laine <> writes:
> Hello,
> I'm having problems with couple pc's and NetBSD (1.3 or 1.3.1, doesn't
> matter) - when booting machines with boot floppy, everything goes fine until
> something should be typed with keyboard.
> Keyboard seems to be totally locked after boot-up. Any work-around for this
> kind of problemo?
First I'd like to thank all who responded.
Then I beg for more help, of course.
I've received instructions to unplug kbd while kernel is probing kbd,
but this didn't help at all.
I understood that pccons might be guilty part when kbd locks up and
pcvt would work in these machines too. I've never been in situation
where I need to build custom installation floppy (or place custom
kernel into installation floppy), so I'd appreciate any information
about installation floppy contents (I assume there is small gzipped
image of ramdisk, but I have no idea how to access this image after
image has been ungzipped).
Sami Laine