Subject: Re: RFC: My fd* wish list :)
To: Matthias Drochner <>
From: Brian C. Grayson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/26/1998 16:18:30
Matthias Drochner wrote:
> Note that there are only 7 formats defined in the floppy
> driver's table. Minor 0 is already the "boot-up" format.
> (This means, what you describe in your PR is "intended
> behaviour" if I got it correctly.)
Oops. I miscounted. Ack. :( Close the PR.
> I fully agree that we need more formats, or even a user
> definable format slot. But I wouldn't hack the existing
> fd driver beyond recognition - it should be more or less
> rewritten, split into controller and drive parts and made
> as machine independant as possible.
I took a peek at the FreeBSD driver, and they have support for
1720K and a few other formats, floppy-tape support,
82-cylinder support, and non-512-byte sector support. So that
driver would be a good start.
> It only needs somebody to do it...
I'll think about it. It'll definitely have to wait until this
summer, if no one else volunteers.
Brian Grayson (
Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Office: ENS 406 (512) 471-8011
Finger for PGP key.