Subject: Re: de(4) and transmit underflow
To: Chuck <>
From: Al Urbaitis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/16/1998 08:10:35
Chuck wrote:
Finally, I get these errors, only on de0:

>         Apr 15 16:40:16 smdls3 /netbsd: de0: abnormal interrupt:
> transmit
>           underflow (raising TX threshold to 96|256)
>         Apr 15 16:40:17 smdls3 /netbsd: de0: abnormal interrupt:
> transmit
>            underflow (raising TX threshold to 8|512)
>         Apr 15 17:33:06 smdls3 /netbsd: de0: abnormal interrupt:
> transmit
>            underflow (raising TX threshold to 1024)
>         Apr 15 17:33:06 smdls3 /netbsd: de0: abnormal interrupt:
> transmit
>            underflow (switching to store-and-forward mode)
> What's going on here and is there anything to be done to "fix" the
> problem?

I am seeing the same problem. Eventually the connection becomes so slow
that a reboot
is required to restore functionality.

I am using the generic kernel from 1.3.1 a Znyx 346 in a generic Intel
This happens whether or not the card is in "autosense" or "10baseT"
(I thought it was just me my card or my hub)

Al Urbaitis