Subject: Re: copying fs
To: John Kohl <>
From: Joel Reicher <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/30/1998 22:55:16
> TT> 0. Wait 'til the next day for the HD to cool. SCSI reported lots of
> TT> medium errors when it got hot.. it's four or five years old.. so it must
> TT> be getting tired.
> One of our sysadmins at work has pretty good luck taking failed SCSI
> drives, putting them in the freezer for a few hours, and then hooking
> them up and copying them as quickly as possible.
Err, I dunno about that. Not speaking from personal experience but just from
a physics point of view, I would have thought that rapid cooling might risk
the chance of uneven cooling occurring, with possible consequences like
warping of the platters and maybe even some demagnitisation.
- Joel Reicher