Subject: Spontaneous reset with 1.3.1, anyone?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/16/1998 20:35:51
my machine, recently upgraded to 1.3.1 decided to spontaneously
reset itself just now. I did not have DDB on (not much point on
a machine where I run X11 more than 99.9% of the time, and I've
not gotten around to trying out a serial console on this machine
yet...), but for what it's worth: after a multiuser boot (and
moving the Dec 3 1997 vintage 1.3_ALPHA kernel I'm currently
running back into place as /netbsd), savecore claimed that there
was no dump to save.
Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I was active in X11 at the time when it reset itself, but from my
perspective I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.
If desireable, I can possibly set up a serial console to debug
this further by trying to reproduce the problem (anyone know what
I should be running on my neighboring 1.2.1 system to catch the
console log messages?), but if it is as I suspect that it just
went "kaboom" without calling panic(), that won't really help
narrowing the problem either.
- H=E5vard