Subject: Re: Java or kaffe ?
To: None <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/16/1998 09:24:47
At 00:26 14.03.98 +0100, Eric Delcamp wrote:
>I want to play with Java (or just learning it to begin ;-).
>I have i3886 and m68k Netbsd boxes, I give a try to Kaffe-0.9.2.
>Helas, the i386 core dumped seriously (and leave the machine unsuable),
>and the m68k only have the interpret engine, which is really slow.....
As for m68k, I sent JIT patches against 0.84 (which is the only kaffe
version that has worked for me on mac68k) to Tim Wilkinson some weeks ago.
He was pretty responsive, given that there has been little more going on
than empty announcements and L*nux copyright flame wars on the Kaffe
mailing list for months. But I don't know what use he has made of the patches.
Hauke Fath Melog Software GmbH
D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Melog.DE Ruf +49-6221-1333-0, Fax -33