Subject: NetBSD 1.3 wont probe my Miniscribe
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/08/1998 15:11:29
I was trying to install NetBSD 1.3 on my (labeled Maxtor, probed as
Miniscribe) drive:
Miniscribe Corp 8051a, 40mb w/ 32kcache CHS=981,5,17
NetBSD 1.3 (the boot floppy) probes the controller fine, but
refuses to see the disk. Linux 2.0.34, found it right away and
is still working great (ack).
Any ideas why this would be?
Also, this drive has an odd spin-up policy. It spins to something
like 4x its normal speed, then slows to 1x (which sounds very slow,
even tho it still works great) to do its diskly business. If you bump
the drive, or turn it upsidedown, it spins up fast, and you get read
errors. Then it quites down and works fine again.