Subject: Sharing swap partitions between BSD's
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Hartling <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/07/1998 01:16:36
I have both FreeBSD and NetBSD (1.3D which is being rebuilt as I type)
installed on my computer, and I am curious as to whether or not it is
possible to share a swap partition between both. My current setup uses three
BIOS partitions on my hard disk, the first of which is a Windows NT
partition, the second is my FreeBSD partition, and the third is my FreeBSD
swap partition.
I boot NetBSD from a Jaz disk that is dedicated to it, and I can mount /home
and /usr/obj (among others) from the FreeBSD partition under NetBSD. The
swap partition for NetBSD is also on the Jaz disk, and needless to say, I
could get much better performance (and disk utilization) if I could use my
FreeBSD swap partition with NetBSD. Is this doable, or am I out of luck?
Patrick L. Hartling | Research Assistant, ICEMT | SE Lab - 1117 Black Engineering |