Subject: 1.3 kernel upgrade evil
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/21/1998 13:17:05
I realized I hadn't upgraded my userland to 1.3, and so did so last night.
Ever since then, I've had no end of network problems.
I've tracked them down to the kernel. Everything's running fine with a
1.3_BETA kernel. I've got a Pentium 100 w/ 32 MB RAM, oodles of IDE disk,
and a slow modem (14.4).
Kernel 1:
With Perry's 1.3 install kernel (GENERIC 0, Tue Dec 30 ...), I can ppp
into Stanford, but all connections seem to die at the same point. I log
in, type pine, and the screen freezes part way up. Exactly where it
freezes depends on if I ssh in or telnet -ax in. telnet gets me to the
twirling "opening inbox" message. ssh gets me farther, to part way down
the inbox opening. Either method repeatably dies in the same place.
Even just logging in and typing df a few times froze things. A ping to
that host running at the same time maybe shows a little delay, but keeps
Kernel 2:
I have also tried a home-grown -current kernel, supped two days ago. I've
got COMPAT_13 enabled, and my local hardware turned on. UVM and the new
PMAP options are off.
This latter kernel gets ppp sick. log messages tell me that it's dying
when ppp is trying to hang up the modem (it's a -current pppd), right at
the drop DTR ioctl call. When this happens, the pppd process starts taking
99% of the CPU. I'm using
I don't remember any warnings about TIOCMBIS changing, but even so,
shouldn't COMPAT_13 have covered things?
Anyone have any suggestions? I really have no clue what to do with the
frozen connection problem.