Subject: Re: IMPORTANT: new partition ID
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christofer C. Bell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/19/1998 10:07:35
Brian Stark wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Matthias Drochner wrote:
> > NetBSD-current/i386 has now an own ID for its partition
> > in the MBR partition table.
> > The new ID is 169 decimal, A9 hex.
> How will this affect users who upgrade to the next release of NetBSD
> when it is available?
> I have 1.3/i386 installed, and when I upgrade my machine, I will simply
> extract the files from the 1.4 (?) tar files. Does this mean that when I
> boot a 1.4 kernel my system will be dead?
It's my understanding that, for example, 1.2.1 was considered a
"production" release, so I assume any future 1.3.1 release will be
considered "production" too. My question is, will the change be present
in that release or do only users of current aka Bleeding Edge(tm) need
to worry about this?
Christofer C. Bell Information Systems Lead
Union Computing Services email:
University of Kansas phone: 785-864-4893