Subject: 2 newbie questions
To: David Hobley <>
From: Kevin Cousins <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/19/1998 14:54:43
David> 1. ...I am now trying to verify that I can talk to the modem
David> before attempting to set up ppp. I run cu -l /dev/tty01... but
David> as soon as I type something I get an error about not being able
David> to write to the port... Could anyone tell me how to get cu
David> working.
stty -f /dev/tty00 -clocal
try 'cu' again, then rush out and get the BSD FAQ :)
David> As an aside as well, the pppd manual page talks about the
David> /etc/ppp directory. This doesn't seem to exists by
David> default. Should I just create my own directory ?
It might be useful to do so as it serves as a central place to store
ppp-on/-off and ip-up/-down scripts, and options* files for pppd,
thereby making it do much of its stuff automagically. I suspect that
much of the automation that you can achieve this way would be a lot
more difficult (well nigh impossible?) to get without that directory
(short of changes to source and rebuilds).
I might add that I didn't find demand-dial PPP anywhere in
NetBSD-1.2/i386, but it is /very/ nice in NetBSD-1.3/i386!
David> 2. Has anyone run XFree86 with two monitors?...