Subject: Re: Installation from CD-ROM.
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/19/1998 10:41:38
In some mail I received from Jonathan Stone, sie wrote
> Darren Reed writes:
> >> I think he's asking if there is a proper directory structure to hold the
> >> install files on the CD in addition to make the CD bootable.  
> >Right.  I don't want to make /NetBSD-1.3 if sysinstall requires
> >/pub/NetBSD-1.3 on the CD.
> AFAIK, sysinst gets this wrong too :).  Those of us working on sysinst
> never got good feedback from anyone acutally wanting to produce CDs.
> I think the 1.3 release sysinst looks in /Release/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.3.
> Maybe the anticipation was that someone producing a CD distribution
> would make sysinst use something sensible for their production.

Ah.  Well, my suggestion would be that it'd work something like this:

- you tell it what release you're installing (i.e. NetBSD-1.3,
  NetBSD-2.0, etc)
- you tell it where you're installing from (ftp/NFS/cd-rom/HD)
- you tell it where to find the NetBSD-1.3 directory if it is via NFS
  or FTP (e.g. if /pub/NetBSD-1.3 was the top
  of the tree there)
- or if it's mounting via CD-ROM or HD, NetBSD-1.3 would be expected
  to be in the "top directory" of that device so that sysinst could
  (say) mount it as /mnt and find the installation in /mnt/NetBSD-1.3.

btw, can I compile sysinst for 1.3 on 1.2 or a late 1.2<alpha> ?
