Subject: Re: Slow X with Applix - how to profile?
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/10/1998 16:00:51
You wrote (in your message from Tue 10)
> Why does the internal malloc of XFree make the list grow to 157 entries in
> one day when the other allocation method behaves a lot better?
Because the XFree86 internal allocator uses mmap(/dev/zero) instead of sbrk()
to get memory from the system, in order to be able to release
arbitrary chunks when they are freezed...
> And why do
> things become so slow when the list length grows to 150+ entries?
Good question. Nobody knows if other OS don't see the problem because
no one runs applix on them or if they are more efficient in handling
lots of mmap() calls.