Subject: Re: Wireless LAN cards?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/03/1998 18:55:28
Jonathan Stone writes:
> Yes, in peer-to-peer mode, the radios can talk directly to Metricom
> radios or via poletops, or even (AFAIK, and as long as you have the
> service) via Metricom's internal backbone that links poletops.
Thanks, I did see the strip man page, although it wasn't clear to me
what Metricom would let one do without getting their Internet service
at $30/mo.
Their www page indicated a "Network Service" that was somehow
different from their internet service, and only open to universities.
The didn't go into much detail.
So it sounds like as an idividual one still needs to buy "Internet
Service" to get inter-pole-top routing. I'd really like to to connect
my portable to my home network from more than a few pole-tops away.
>From all the reports I heard, connecting back home via the normal
async modem mode gives one a very slow ~2400 baud modem connection.
That really doesn't interest me much. Something approaching
100kbits/sec starts to sound interesting...
Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
Never trust a program you don't have sources for.