Subject: Re: access extended DOS-partition ?
To: None <>
From: Andreas Lohrum 6804 <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/02/1998 16:46:05
   On Feb 2, Andreas Lohrum 6804 wrote
   > Hi all,
   > is there any chance to access a extended DOS 6.20-partition?  
   > I have no networking-access on DOS and like to do a backup before
   > using nearly my whole disk for NetBSD.

   Should be possible. You need to know the offset and size (in sectors) of
   the DOS partition and enter it in the NetBSD disklabel with MSDOS as
   filesystem type. Then you can mount this partition with '-t msdos'

Thanks, I'll try tonight. But it'll be hard, having only 8 Net-BSD

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best regards

Andreas Lohrum, ConSol*                   email:
z.Zt.:  Hypobank Muenchen                 phone:  +49 89 9244-6668
        Apianstr. 14                      email:
        D-85774 Unterfoehring             mobile: +49 172 8935 476