Subject: 1.3 broken
To: Port-i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/31/1998 19:01:03
I'm trying to upgrade my main i386 machine to NetBSD 1.3 and am having
several kinds of problems.  First I had problems with the installer program,
but I got past them already.


1) reboot command doesn't reboot the system.  I see this on two different
   pc's.  The machines usually hang after syslogd is killed, but num lock
   key still works (num lock led blinks if I press num lock), so the machine
   isn't completely dead.

2) The IDE driver is definately broken.  One system A, it doesn't detect
   the primary hard disk on the first IDE port if I have an ATAPI CD-ROM
   attached to the same port.  On system B, I have an IDE disk on the primary
   IDE interface and an ATAPI drive on the second one (as a slave).  Most
   of the time, the kernel sees some imaginary wdc1 drive at the secondary
   controller.  Then the kernel notices that the drive isn't working
   properly and keeps retrying and the machine never comes up.

3) The com driver is unreliable.  My PPP connection to the world died
   suddenly and pppd reported "serial link appears to be disconnected",
   but the pppd process never exited like it should.  Instead, the serial
   port locked up just as if no interrupts were no longer generated.
   I verified this with kermit.

4) Why has the keymap changed so that I can no longer make the del/bs
   keys work properly in mg?  I'm using pcvt.

5) I can't seem to make the tcom serial driver work - it doesn't receive
   any interrupts from the hardware.  I would appreciate it if someone
   more knowledgeable could help me out.  My only Internet connection
   depends on this driver.

Any help appreciated.  I hope the PPP link doesn't die before someone
helps me out... :-/
