Subject: I broke X :)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/27/1998 19:59:09
Something odd has happened,
X has been working GREAT for the past few weeks. Fvwm2/CDE is
I installed a new (slaved) 3gig disk to try out (it was rumored to
be having problems (Segate), so I was going to test it). I extracted the
whole NetBSD source tree (my god) onto it and it seemed fine.
Notice, this was onto a totally different drive that my boot/X
I've got a Number 9 Imagine 128bit 4mb PCI and a CTX 17" .25 pitch
monitor. I have been running in 1024x768x32 with no sweat.
I run startx, and the graphics come up like I haven't configured
XF86Config. Funny thing was, I hadnt touched it, and the modification date
on the file /etc/XF86Config was from weeks ago. Heh?
So I rerun xf86config, tweek tweek tweek, but to no avail. I've
got it into 1024x768x8 mode now, but its like everything is elognated. The
mouse selects about 4 inches under where I click.
I'm running the XF86_I128 accel driver. I even tried the new 3.3.1
driver from the xfree86 site.
Any ideas? I miss X :(
ps; I can send you my XF86Config if u need more info. I didnt want to
attach so much.