Subject: Re: Installation Issue
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/19/1998 13:20:49
>>On Jan 18, Markus Illenseer wrote
>> sysinst is unable to mount this and claims to be unable to continue.
>> When I ctrl-z the programm and do "mount", I see the filesystem is already
>> mounted /mnt/var/. It doesnt help to add the "/mnt" to my path.
>Try to use the other option to install from local disk, where you just
>need to give a path (no device) and give
>"/mnt/var/arch2/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.2/i386/binary/sets" ...
Something like that should work in this case. I thought that sysinst
would automagically add the "/mnt" if it has mounted the target root
under /mnt, but I could be wrong. If it doesn't work, try again
without the explicit "/mnt".
The "unmounted filesystem" was intended for mounting MS-DOS or
AmigaDOS (or other "non-native" filesystems) onto which distribution
sets have been preloaded. There are circumstances where that's the
best path-- perhaps where a non-NetBSD OS has network connectivity
(PPP? some PCMCIA cards?), and the install disk won't.
This could perhaps go into the relevant INSTALL template document....