Subject: Re: Linux/FreeBSD emulution of /dev/dsp broken?
To: Alicia da Conceicao <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/19/1998 12:05:00
Alicia da Conceicao writes:
> However when I run Linux or FreeBSD programs, such as RealAudio or
> Doom, that use /dev/dsp, all I get is this horrible random like
> noise coming out of my speaker. (Putting simlinks to
> /emul/linux/dev/dsp, does not help.) Has anyone else been able to
> successfully run RealAudio under NetBSD 1.3?
I do it every day.
my /emul/linux/dev/dsp is a symlink to /dev/sound, btw.