Subject: Installation Issue
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/18/1998 21:22:18
Frankly, I am a bit disappointed about the new installation procedure.
At first it looked easy, but second look it turned out to be almost unusuable.
I am trying to upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.3. All sets are found in a local
directory (sd0f , /var/arch2/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.3/i386/binary/sets).
First issue is easy to solve, but not for beginners: The INSTALL does not
really describe how to "dd" the boot-image. I do not agree with the last
sentence in the INSTALL: " beyond the scope of this document".
The problem is to use raw-floppy (rfd0a) rather then filesystem-floppy
(fd0a). No, dont tell me this is "standard".
Anyway, to my real problem. Using "upgrade" menu-point, I entered "sd0"
as target and all went smooth. Then I use "unmounted filesystem" as option.
Now, what exactly do I have to type as parameters? The INSTALL is not
helpul at all here.
Device: sd0f
Filesystem: ffs
Directory: /var/arch2/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.2/i386/binary/sets
sysinst is unable to mount this and claims to be unable to continue.
When I ctrl-z the programm and do "mount", I see the filesystem is already
mounted /mnt/var/. It doesnt help to add the "/mnt" to my path.
Now, what advice can you give me please? And yes, I have read the INSTALL.
Thrice. :-)
Markus Illenseer