Subject: Re: Is the 1.3 PPP broken?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Thieleke <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/15/1998 01:22:14
> On Jan 14, Nate Bohlmann wrote
> > Hi folks,
> > I'm not sure if I'm just being stupid here or there's something
> > seriously wrong. I have PPP connecting to my service provider and
> > I can ping anyone I want, I just can't do anything other than ICMP
> > packets apparently. FTP'ing to the site gives me one line
> > of the welcome message and hangs. I have to background FTP and kill
> > it to get a prompt back. Telnet does the same sort of thing. I can
> > log in but never get a prompt. I checked the network statistics and
> > all packets are good through all protocol levels so I'm stumped.
> > Can anyone shed some light on this problem? I am running the GENERIC
> > kernel on a Cyrix 80 MHz 486 if that helps any..
> Hum, I use ppp with 1.3 at both end, without problems. But I use
> mru/mtu of 296, as I always read email while transfering big files :)
I would love to use a lower MTU/MRU, but anytime I use anything below 1500,
I get terrible performance - in fact, it is very similar to what the original
poster described (Nate, you might want to check your MTU and see if 1500
doesn't work better. Also use 'traceroute' to see if your incoming packets are
marked "DF").
My problem is that someone (maybe my ISP) sets the Do Not Fragment flag on
most incoming packets, so if I use a smaller MTU, throughtput is reduced
to almost nil. I understand this DF behavior is a "feature" of most Windows
TCP/IP stacks...
But other than the MTU issue, PPP works for me, as well, in 1.3.
Jeff Thieleke