Subject: Re: Is the 1.3 PPP broken?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nate Bohlmann <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/14/1998 21:04:10
You (Manuel Bouyer) said:
> Hum, I use ppp with 1.3 at both end, without problems. But I use
> mru/mtu of 296, as I always read email while transfering big files :)
This turned out to be the problem. I had an MRU of 104 from a previous
incarnation of PPP (the options file has been around with me :) and that
caused the weirdness. Any opinions on what n optimal MTU/MRU would be
for a USRobotics 56K X2 modem?
Nathan Bohlmann
Elfwerks Consulting