Subject: IOMega Ditto
To: i386-port NetBSD list <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bjoern Labitzke <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/14/1998 04:10:05
1st: Please send the answers directly to me, too, because I haven't got my
subscription-acknowledgement yet and don't want to miss something.
I am going to buy an i386-based system and need a backup-system for it.
The IOMega Ditto Max was suggested to me. There are several ways to
connect it to the computer: Via parallel port, via floppy-controller or
with a small card that is included with the drive.
Now I am interested in some things:
a) Is this supported for NetBSD? I fear not, because it may fit in the
category "floppy controller based tape drives" that is mentioned in the
"not supported" section.
b) Is this going to be supported in very near future?
c) Any experiences with that drive?
d) Which alternatives may I try? I need to backup a 8GB-harddisk. The
Ditto is supposed to provide storage for 3,5-7,0GB.
TIA, Bjoern
Bjoern Labitzke | E-Mail:
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