Subject: Re: APM bugs!
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/08/1998 23:46:05
>>>>> "A" == Alicia da Conceicao <> writes:
A> Greetings NetBSD users:
A> Even with the latest "current" kernel, NetBSD still crashes after sleep
A> mode when the serial device (/dev/tty02)is access from the PCMCIA card
A> on my laptop.
A> Yes, I am very familiar with the "/etc/apm/suspend,standby,resume" files,
A> and in them I have scripts to kill PPP, and ifconfig ppp0 & ppp1 down.
A> However I cannot find any info on how to disable and re-enable tty02,
A> so I do not know what else I can add to those apm files.
A> Does any have any ideas on how to disable and re-enable tty02?
A> Unfortunately, "ifconfig tty02 down" doesn't work.
What you need, alas, is support which isn't implemented yet. Depending
on the details of the PCMCIA hardware implementation, the card & socket
drivers need to do some extra work on a powerdown/suspend and power up.
There aren't in-kernel hooks to do this yet, and insufficient userland
control to achieve this with scripts.
==John Kohl <>, <>
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