Subject: Re: 1.3 is really annoying me now
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/07/1998 16:12:42
> I got a new machine to set up here, and thought that I should give the
> new sysinst a try. It was a brand new Dell Optiplex GXi Pentium Pro 233.
> The floppy booted fine, and I got the install menu. Looks fine so far -
> until I hit a key on the keyboard. No response! Another boot - still
> no contact with the keyboard. Hmm. Then I tried my own machine, which
> btw. works fine with sup'ed sources and a custom kernel. Still the same -
> no contact with the keyboard. Strange, the only explanation I could think
> of was that something must have gone wrong during all the probing of the
> generic kernel (but nothing weird on console output).
> I experimented a little bit more, and found that the keyboard did indeed
> work fine about every sixth boot of the floopy! Well, I could eventually
FWIW, here at work we've seen the keyboard "go to sleep" under Win95 on new
Dell machines. I'm not sure what the real fix is, but usually you can unplug
it and plug it back in.
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.