Subject: unrecognized apati cdrom driv
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/06/1998 22:46:30
On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Manuel Bouyer wrote: Re: NetBSD 1.2 with 6.4 GB IDE disks?
.. You should try to add some printf's in wdcattach, so we can see why it doens'nt
.. detect the second drive (it's wdcattach which probes for drives, and call
.. config_found for each drive present).
Along the same lines: where do I add debugging calls to find out, why my
ATAPI CDROM drive is not recognized by NetBSD 1.3 -- it is probing an
atapi bus on both IDE controllers, but it does not report anything about
the CDROM drive ??
Erik Bertelsen