Subject: Re: Can't find 'adduser' on 1.3(i386)
To: Simon J. Gerraty <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/05/1998 07:27:18
On Mon, Jan 05, 1998 at 02:31:33PM +1100, Simon J. Gerraty wrote:
> Running vipw a few times is easier than learning anything
> and generic tools are probably the worst. I've never botherd putting
> too much user freindly in it as most sites simply create a .adduserrc
> in say /etc and optionally another one in the directory where the
> home dir will be created (default is /home/$host) so you can have
> different defaults for different groups of users (I use /home/$group
> for the parent of home dirs).
Hmm.. I wrote a program which can create, edit, and remove users. It
can pick the first free UID above a given base value automatically.
It can generate a password automatically. It can generate a login name
automatically from full name. It can be used to alter the account expire
time and password expire time. It can run an external script before and
after manipulating the passwd file (these scripts can be used to create
or remove user home directories, set quotas, etc). You can even alter
the group or other data for several users at once if you like.
I know this program doesn't suit everyone's needs, but it makes my life
a lot easier.. It has been used to create almost 2000 accounts on one
NetBSD system so far. I'll put the source on my homepage after doing
some cleanup and changes..