Subject: Re: doom "ported" to NetBSD
To: Dave Burgess <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/03/1998 13:09:18
On 12/29/97 at 10:21 PM -0600, someone wrote:
>>> Hmm, I wonder how many frames per minute VAXDoom would get on an 11/750...?
>>> ;-)
>> Shouldn't that be seconds per frame? :^P
> No, I think he was right the first time....
Of course, more vitally important right now is whether or not DOOM can
compile and run on a Mac SE/30 (1.3_BETA) with a black-and-white display. :P
Anyways, I'd love to have a copy of the patches required to get the beastie
up and running under NetBSD.
Mason Loring
"In the drowsy dark cave of the mind dreams build their nest with fragments
dropped from day's caravan."--Rabindranath Tagore...awake ? sleep : dream;